複合材、金属、プラスチックの接合ですか? 当社の接合ソリューションをぜひご利用ください。特許技術のMMA接着剤であるCrestabond®構造接着剤、アクリル酸ウレタン技術のCrystic Crestomer® 、さらにCrystic®接着ペーストがあります。
接着剤製品を見るCrestabond® M1-04
Crestabond M1-04 is a toughened, two component 10:1 MMA structural adhesive which is designed for bonding a wide range of substrates including metals, plastics and composite materials in industrial applications. This adhesive demonstrates excellent impact, peel, shear, compressive strength and fatigue resistance properties across all bonded parts. Crestabond is a primer-less MMA adhesive, requiring minimal surface preparation helping to reduce overall production costs and increase productivity. Crestabond M1-04 has a working time of between 3 and 5 minutes.